My time in Ottawa visiting with family had drawn to a close, and it was time to start my trip back to the San Francisco Bay Area. With my riding partner having flown back last weekend, it was due to be a very different trip on the return than it
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2024-08-24: Sault Sainte Marie to Owen Sound
We began our first day in Canada with Chris “the Captain” Weld and my brother, Chris Geggie enjoying the hotel-provided breakfast. Let me tell you, I enjoyed my Canadian yogurt much better than that junk Yoplait we had at the Econolodge in Livingston. Well fed, we gathered our belongings from
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Day 10: Montague to Wood Islands
Having thankfully cut our day short the day before, this day was looking like it should be pretty relaxed. We were only due to ride about 32km (21mi) to get to Wood Islands and the weather forecast was also calling for clearing skies and warming temperatures. Staying at the inn,
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Day 9: Souris to Montague
When we stopped in Souris, we did some reverse figuring. Both Chris and I were due to fly out from Charlottetown Saturday morning. In my case, at 6:30am, way too early to be able to pack my bicycle up before heading to the airport. So we knew we needed to
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Day 8: St. Peters to East Point and Souris
We started our July 1, Canada Day, eating a quick breakfast in our hotel room of cereal we’d bought the night before at the corner store. We wanted to get out and started, knowing that it was supposed to rain all day. We had 55km (35mi) to cover before we’d
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Day 7: Brackley Point to St. Peters
We woke rather early for sleeping in the comfort of a hotel room. Well, maybe not entirely in comfort, since I had to sleep on the floor with my camping gear and woke Chris up in turn. Not having any sort of dining facilities within a few kilometers meant it
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Day 6: Summerside to Brackley Point
The weather forecast for our 6th day of riding came in much the same as the previous day’s –rainy and cold. Even though we had booked a campsite at Stanhope Campground, we decided early in the day to skip a wet camping experience, and instead booked a room at a
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Day 5: Jacques Cartier Provincial Park to Summerside
Overnight, it had rained quite a lot, and my brand new MSR tent did not keep the water out, so not only was the tent and rainfly wet, but so were our sleeping pads and sleeping bags. I’ll be giving MSR a call about this tent when I get home!
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Day 4: Out-and-back to North Point
We got woken up in the middle of the night with the wind blowing and rain, with our tent fly flapping around like crazy. Out we jumped into the cold, wet night and battened down the tent, putting in all the guy lines and pulling everything tight. 10 minutes later,
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Day 3: West Point to Jacques Cartier
After a fairly late night of campfire tending, we were a bit slow getting ready to go in the morning. The bicycle tourists in the site next to us were up at 8:00 and gone by 9:00, while we weren’t ready to hit the road until nearly 10:00. The plan
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