Breakfast at the Bristlecone Motel in Ely was pretty slim pickings, with not much aside from cereal and packaged pastries, but I grabbed some coffee and made the best of things. Just after 7:00, the Harley guys were hitting the road, and I wasn’t too far behind them being ready
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2024-Aug-17: San Francisco to Wells
The day began early, 5:00am for me, and even earlier for my riding partner, Chris “The Captain” Weld. Evidently, The Captain was anxious about the trip, and had trouble sleeping. He was up by 4:00am. I had my bike loaded up and was ready to leave home in Alameda by
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Getting Ready for My First Bicycle Tour
Today I’m getting ready to depart on my first ever bicycle tour. It’s been a crazy month and a half that brought me to this point. One that I’m glad is over, and happy to leave behind. A month ago, I was having trouble at work; you might have heard
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