The rest day (and rain) over, it was once again time to hit the road and continue south; this time on the actual Pacific Coast Bicycle Route!

I followed Google’s directions taking me out of SLO via the airport on CA-227. But when I crossed the sign posting Pismo Beach 5 miles west, I couldn’t resist the draw of seeing the ocean for the first time in 7 days of travel. I veered to the right, and a few minutes later, caught my first sight!
I biked along the boardwalk for a while, and eventually ended up on CA-1. While riding south, another avid cycle touristc caught up to me. The fellow, who I never did get his name, was out for a “cheater” ride. His genius strategy was to ride the sting tailwinds as far south as the regional transit covered, the to spare himself the strain of having to ride back through it, take the bus back to his home in Avila Beach!
As we rode together, he told me of his many biking adventures. One trip took him to Minnesota, another to New York. All with flavorful back story. My friend also was an avid Honda motorcycle rider, having had several Honda 400 and 500s.
As we were riding, we also passed another cycle tourist broken down on the side of the road. We offered any help the fellow needed, and gave him directions to the nearest bike shop. More on him tomorrow!
My avid friend parted from me at the last bus stop for his ride home, and I continued on by myself. The ride on my new seat was absolutely great compared to my old one. Butt pain was largely a thing of the past.

I continued on the rest of the way to Santa Maria rather uneventfully, and found accommodations at the downtown Santa Maria Inn.

This was when I realized that I had made a mistake on my travel plans, and would have to do two days’ ride in one day to make it to Santa Barbara. Uh oh. Time to sleep on it, and worry about it tomorrow. Today’s distance 65km (45mi).