Day 7: Rest day in San Luis Obispo

Having met up with Rob, and with rain in the forecast it was pretty serendipitous that I had planned to take a rest day in SLO.

And oh boy was it ever raining! From the moment I woke up, it was pouring rain. It gave me a chance to research my next few days of the trip. I’d mostly only planned the trip out to this point as a detour around the CA-1 washouts in Big Sur.

I also took the opportunity to swap out my bike’s saddle, as on the past few days’ rides, my butt had been the main thing bringing me to a stop.

Afterwards, Rob and I had delicious BBQ for lunch at the Old San Luis BBQ company.

We had planned to go to the Cal Poly collegiate rodeo to see some competitive ranch action, but that had been cancelled due to the heavy rain all day. So, on a recommendation from our Uber driver, we went to a fantastic Italian restaurant in downtown SLO called Mama’s Meatball. Some delicious Italian food later, and Rob and I were full and happy.

My hip which was really bothering me at the beginning of the day is also feeling much better and I’m excited to get into the actual Pacific Coast Bicycle Route tomorrow! The detour is complete!